Strangely entertaining. Even if it's damn weird, it will pull you to watch it till the end. It does make some sense about the state of the world today - "I will not eat the food that make me sick, I will not play the games that make me dumb." That is a very powerful statement to make indeed.
Great to see original minds creating things. Nifty!
Metal-Listener. Card Flourisher. Aspiring Philosopher. Selective Mugger. Ubermensch-to-be. Inspired by Dharma. Nihilist. The Almost Misanthrope. Yogini. Film Enthusiast. Into everything Occult and the Esotercism. Anti-Pretentious Social Situations. Anti-Religion. Anti-Normal. Observer of This Fucked-Up World. Autodidact. Philomath. Capricorn Cusp Aquarius. Leo Ascendent. Taurus Moon Sign. Economic Left/Right: -1.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.05.
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