Time for a senseless Meme.
Yanked it from Valie, since I am in an entirely non-intellectual mood at the present moment, you will have to suffer reading 10 random (and useless, on your side) facts of yours truly. =D
- I am currently very inspired and entertained by Russell Brand, whom I envisioned to be the next big comedy figure in the show business. He calls himself the "S&M Willy Wonka" and "sexy wildman", that is certainly sufficient reason.
- I am listening to Falkenbach's Vanadis. *Glorious opus for my mortal ears*
- I am in the middle of synthesising my own set of philosophical thoughts. It isn't easy, but it's definitely mentally satisfying. To let you have a picture of my system of thoughts, just think "Nieztsche + Schopenhauer + Buddha + Kant + Kundera + Descartes + The Flying Spagethii* I kid about the airbound pasta.
- I have spent nearly 4 long years fiddling with paper rectangles as Kevin would describe, I wonder whether I should admit to this fact to my future progenies and allow them to chide my lack of life in my youth.
- I have some serious thoughts about trying the Vegetarian diet, partially because from what I observed, apparently great people follow that diet. *Socrates, Volitare, Franz Kafka, Nieztsche, Russell Brand, Einstein, Thomas Edison, Natalie Portman, the list is endless*
- I really enjoy spending time alone. The peace and empowerment you get from solitude are incredible. But that act comes concurrent with the risk of being ignoramously labelled as "loner".
- I could hold my breathe for around 2 minutes and 30 seconds, I told you these facts are useless.
- I have spent 6 years of my life (a huge portion, considering I have only lived for 19 years, making it 1/3 of my life) writing chinese calligraphy.
- I need to get platform boots. >_<
- I can't wait for my sister's upcoming debut EP record. Because I'd get it for free! I kid. But seriously, it will be bloody insane to walk into, say, HMV and see your sister's name on the *Bestseller* shelf. =P
Oh, great, just when I have free time to dwell within my own existence, Channel 5 stopped broadcasting
Solitary. Great timing.
And, there is a Subway outlet at Compass Point. Immense convenience previously unthinkable, also the rate of getting broke from food rises up to a level previously unthinkable!