Wednesday, September 10, 2008
  Изгнание [The Banishment]
Went to watch an utterly depressing movie alone today, the movie is Andrey Zvyagintsev's second film called The Banishment or Изгнание in Russian alphabets, after his insanely good debut - The Return. Once again, Andrey presented a family theme for the film and added a dark twist. What striked me most in this film is sad truth that most tragedies didn't originate from actual conflicts or lies but mere miscommunication between parties. That is what the banishment referred to, the impossible man-made communication-errors that rendered the exile of persons. What made the movie even more sorrowful is the poignant manner of filming and the cinematography, every frame of the movie was picture-perfect and wallpaper-ready, making things look extremely realistic and vulnerable. Plus the apt use of music background (often omnious tunes) in the movie, one cannot fall into depression after watching it.

Anyway! Andrey is the director the cinemas of today need, I really hope to see more films from him. =D

And, I burrowed another book (Life is Elsewhere) by Milan Kundera, yay for another round of book-bound roller coaster ride!
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