Peter Tagtgren is a mean music machine!
Yes, Peter Tagtgren is a music generator. Just slightly 1 year after releasing Pain's previous album - Psalms of Extinction, he is back to release another one in the coming late October. This one is aptly titled as
Cynic Paradise. Sounds good already, ain't it? I am blessed by being a fan of Pain, there seem to be endless servings of great music consistently over the years since the spawn of this awesome one-man band. Cynic Paradise is said to be released on Halloween, which also coincides with Cradle of Filth's Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder and Gospel of Filth. Looks like I am going to start on a money-saving scheme...
Halloween is a great day already. =P
Speaking of real tangible life, my area of free-toiling has switched to a far-flung location of National University Hospital. Nice. Not going to talk about my hours of free-toiling, because why? Nobody in the right mind likes to rant about happenings at work, or normality of living.
I look forward to watching "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" later in the week and going to listen to "Another Epic Story" at Baybeats on Friday! I survive on the subsistence of waiting (for daily free-toiling lunchbreaks and dismissals) and hoping to witness something interesting. Ling's life is boring contrary to many common belief that she leads one spending time headbanging and fiddling paper rectangles.