I am getting incessantly annoyed at how noisy, crowded, unnerving weekends hotspots *malls, MRTs, town areas* can get. The baby cries in the restaurant you dine in, when you are trying in vain to find some balance in yourself, when you can be yourself and let loose. That same stupid song is playing again in the shop, way too loudly, you can only be heard if you speak at the top of your voice. People around talking too loudly, you have to strain your voice again, and again. The phone rings when you're captivated in reading your novel/closing your eyes for a few minutes of peace in the train carriage, your nerves gyrate upon your temples, you unwillingly picks it up, saying into the receiver, "Hey, what's up?" in a pseudo-enthusiastic way. You only wanted to get back to that interesting book or that sense of peace within as soon as possible. You have no idea why the heck are you going to Orchard again this Saturday, just to feel the weekend vibes maybe, just to feel the squeeze in the trains, just to queue for fast
-junk-food, just to walk around malls looking at shelves with the exact same things for countless number of times, just to patronise Starbucks just one more time in the week, just to watch some flick on the theatres because it says, "Opening This Week". Then you worry about the last train and your credit card or wallet. That is the idea of a weekend for a modern typical Homo Sapien.
Sad isn't it? Ironically, one has to oblige with such arrangements to remain functionable in the society. What a stupid world, seriously.
I am very tempted to go to a beach or to nature reserve soon. Next weekend, shall make it a point.