Was reading up on
child prodigy on Wiki;
[quote] Although Hollingworth's findings may be outdated, some adjustment issues for child prodigies are obvious. It is not uncommon for the highly intellectually capable to be ostracized in school, or at least be emotionally dulled by the conversation of their average classmates. They typically have very different priorities than other people, with popularity, friendship, and common excitement playing second fiddle to the quest for knowledge, mastery of skill, or more personal yearnings, creating a mis-step with society. In addition, the unusualness of a prodigy's priorities and capabilities can lead to difficulty in relating to his or her peers. [/quote] (strike a chord?!)
Hee hee hee. Self consolation for my tendency to be a total weirdo loner. Lol.
Oh more that reflected on me! [quote]
Autodidacticism (also
autodidactism) is self-education or self-directed learning. An
autodidact, also known as an
automath, is a mostly self-taught person — typically someone who has an enthusiasm for self-education and a high degree of self-motivation. While some may have been educated in a conventional manner in a particular field, they may choose to educate themselves in other, often unrelated areas. It should be noted that self-teaching and self-directed learning are not necessarily lonely processes. Some autodidacts spend a great deal of time in libraries or on educative Web sites. Many, according to their plan for learning, avail themselves of instruction from family members, friends, or other associates. [/quote] I didn't know I had such a smashing title for my little side-education I have been involved for the past years. W00t! I am a damn Autodidact! I, now, take more pride in what I do. Heh!
Well, one never knows right?
Anyway, tomorrow is The Day. Can't wait one second longer. [adrenaline-brimmed] BONE! Here I come! [okay, that sounds wrong.]
Back to admiring Billy Gilman's One Voice,
31st August 2006