Dani updates the minions II.
Dani Filth, or more affectionately known as Count Backwerdz in the recent years, have generously sedated our ever-growing hunger for more Filth action by posting the finalised (and banned) art work of their latest opus, Thornography.
Seriously speaking, it's not up to the expectations of many Cradle fanatics including me as well. Well, let the picture do the talking. From the professional perpective of a (hopelessly) obsessed Cradle of Filth maniac, the art work of Thornography isn't the best shot of Cradle. I, personally still prefer, Cruelty and The Beast's artwork.
Due to a frustrating technical problem regarding the persistent tardiness of Blogger, a
link could make my life better. =)
Alright! So much for telling all the crap that you wouldn't want to know, I shall contnue with more. =)
"Spam" isn't the right word to use here, but it's the first word that comes to my mind.
But hey! It's my frikking blog, I do what I want. =) Thank you.
So much for talking to myself. Bleah.
Yesterday saw the (extremely) dull lecture on Chemical Bondage. Being the typical generator of all crap, I modified the section of "Metallic Bond" into a more metalhead-friendly "Metallica Bond". "HA!", I commented. Then more muses come zooming back into my infected mind, I wroted down at the side, "Master of Electrons" and "Enter Electronman" with immense pride. There, I entertained myself. =)
Oh yes, I can't wait to depart Singapore for a 2 day retreat to Malacca. Can't wait. Happy doing your Maths test, 1S03! =) [patting on your shoulder encouragingly] Ha. Such mockery. Okay, okay, I'm too mean there.
Bah, writer's mental block is infecting me once again. Argh!
Alright, till the next time, keep pointing those \m/s! =)
6/6/06 is nearing,
24th May 2006 AD