My fellow reader-fiends, it has been a while since I updated this wrenched journal of mine. So I will fulfill your reading desires by picking up my quill (or rather, tapping on the keyboard) and starts scribbling yet another chunk of incomprehensible of words.
So, what the heck have I been doing the past few days?
First and foremost, I have finally met someone who's into astrology and all. Hooray. Now, I really got to meet him more often and chat about all thngs New Age/Occult/Astrology/[insert more here]. He's a cool guy. =) Like I mentioned in that fully done testi in Friendster, it must be fate that we met, the Age of Aquarius must be nearing. Thus, we are being called to service for this metamorphsis. Haha, this seems like another crappy theory of none other than yours truly. And, dude, seriously you praised me too much for my writings. I believe I have a long way to go still. Speaking of writings, we really should start a joint-blog that will suitingly consist of Weird/Erotic/Horror/New Age/anything that our filth-infested minds can think of. That would be seriously a cool project to embark on.
Bullshits side, yesterday saw the outing with my dearest Voldemort. Needless to say, the outing was great. I have no idea why that 'Cosmic energy' is so uncanny. Here are some examples:
- The song 'Der Meister' will be playing in her player whenever we have any kinky thingy going on.
- My player will respond by playing 'Bestrafe Mich' or 'Bück Dich'.
- Slipknot's Virus of Life will be the best song to describe the entire scenario.
Ugh, screw that cosmic energy! And, why her mom knows it from the beginning? What a face reader she is.
If you, the unwary reader-fiend, don't understand what is going on above, don't bother re-reading it, it's supposed to be that way. =)
Du bist mein, mein liebling!
Bullshit filled post, indeed.
Alrighty, my reader-fiends, my brain isn't right today or is it left either. All I am receiving from my brain matter seems to tell me this, 'I can't fucking think of anymore stuff to blog on right now!'
Alright, hereby signing off, and clicking my heels together three times six, shut my flapping and mostly incoherent mouth, and fuck back to the pit that spawned me.
Auf Wiedersehen, mein freund!