Tab TV.
Are I bonkers or am I bonkers? Kind of both.
Today's episode of Tab TV is for me and my Voldemort! Purrfectly. I shall not spill anymore, before my Voldie gives me a virtual rib-crushing hug through an sms.
Anyways, Mdm X = no style. Voldie = Total 1337 pWnage (with the help of her flexible curve). You get the idea.
And, you can imagine the size of my 'hidden' grin when the narrator said 'Pain and pleasure comes along the same line.'
Regarding the earlier portion of the show, both me and my Voldie held not much interest, except that 'OMG, this is so funny! LOL!' that kind of reactions.
That girl in drooping spectacles is trying wee bit too hard to be an emo. And, the 2 equally inferior accomplices got the Emo accessories wrong. Wrong! You cannot even be emo, I suggest you go jump.
For more accurate resources on how to become an emo, look at Gerald Way from MCR (also known as Morons Can't Rock) and adore at the lyrics of the same band, then stare at a dozen of blades and try pull down your lips until you get a maximum curve. If this doesn't exactly work well, I suggest you to get inspirations from the 'I'm so goth'' icons and try asking your mom to get the EMO cereals (get the Free Razor plus 25% Added Angst). This should work.
Emos, never fails to make me laugh. Interesting species of Emo Sapiens, they are. They must have an extra pair of chromosomes called the EMO chromosome. What a mutation.
Yawns. So bored.
[Off to read God Emperor of Dune and looks forward to Freitag.]
[grin maliciously]Auf Wiedersehen!